Who are we?

Complete Communities is on a mission to change the world.

Complete Communities are a boutique consultancy specialising in place-making and strategy for market towns.

Our mission is to create thriving, exciting places that people are proud of. We love places that combine high-quality housing, employment opportunities, and an environment to explore and enjoy. Helping towns and villages achieve their potential is why we love Mondays.

Packages we offer:

  • Determine

    Do you know where to target your resources?

    We provide expert support to identify and address the challenges and opportunities in your community. We give you control of the process and full ownership of the final product.

  • Develop

    Do you have ideas waiting to be explored?

    Good planning and preparation are crucial to success. This package considers project feasibility, and detailed project planning, to maximise funding opportunities and smooth delivery.

  • Deliver

    Do you want success without stress?

    This is our project delivery package. We use our experience and expertise to impact your community. We deliver the projects, and you take the credit.

What we stand for:

  • Sometimes it can feel like consultants parachute in, present their findings and disappear, and reports quickly gather dust on shelves and are forgotten.

    We are different.

    We specialise in identifying, developing and delivering successful projects from initial plan to final success.

  • We will stick to our word.

    We will not over-promise.

    We exist to make a long-term impact and build strong foundations, not make a quick profit.

  • We don’t think reports and documents should be filled with waffle or unnecessary information.

    Our work is easy to understand and focuses only on what matters to a community or a project, not the number of pages we can write.

  • We offer a more convenient service than our competition, delivering high-quality project management and place-based expertise.

    Everywhere we work is unique and offers new opportunities to build thriving, sustainable communities.

Projects we can support: